News & Updates

At BMD Services we understand that Canadian Medical Tax Credits are not easy to understand at a first glance. Our Blog is your one-stop shop if you want to learn more about the medical tax credit deductions and how it works for you, follow our blog now!

BMD Recognized Experts!

Thank you to Canada Revenue Agency 1-800# customer assistance line whose operators have recognized the difficulties callers and their treating medical practitioners can experience when trying to understand the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) qualifying criteria,...

Doctors Deserve More For “Telecare”

According to Global News the "Alberta government recently reactivated a billing code so that all physicians providing advice through phone, email, and videoconferencing - including virtual care - can bill for services using the health care code (HSC) 03.01AD......

Coronavirus and DTC Applications

VIRUS AND DTC APPLICATIONS The current virus public health concerns can result in doctors limiting in-person patient visits, or perhaps suspending them altogether. Although these recommended steps may help to address the current concerns of virus transmission, and...

2020 Income Tax Filing Time (for 2019)

There are many things most Canadians would rather be doing than their income taxes.  Now with the holiday season over, and cold weather still upon us, tax filing time just seems to be the icing on the cake.  Fun times, they are not. The good news about this time of...

A Recent Thank You from a Client

  From: Tatianna Sent: November 13, 2019 4:03 PM To: Support <[email protected]> Subject: BMD Services/Disability Tax Credit Approval Hi (BMD Services), You made the process easy to understand and you were so very helpful. 😊 Thank you so much!! I truly...

Fall 2019 Update!

Hello everyone, Thank you for visiting our website for more information about the Disability Tax Credit.  We here at BMD Services remain busier than ever providing accurate and comprehensive DTC assessments helping Canadians to quickly and precisely understand...

Chiropractors for the DTC!

  Finally! Chiropractors are making a concerted effort to become authorized to certify Disability Tax Credit application forms (DTC Certificate Form T2201). A poster has been created by Canadian Chiropractic Association, entitled "Why Not Chiropractors" informing...

DTC Not Easy

The CRA makes it so hard to get the disability tax credit, many don’t even try By Erica Alini National Online Journalist, Money Consumer Global News -Jan. 11, 2018 A recent 2018 news article posted by Global News reports on the difficulties applicants can face when...

DTC in the News!

The Media has recently been reporting on the Disability Tax Credit, and the challenges applicants can expect when applying. One of the articles posted by CTV News, on their website reports "People with diabetes losing disability tax credit because of 'advances in...

Thanks CRA Staff!

Thank you to Canada Revenue Agency Call Center Staff! It has been reported to BMD Services, that periodically, Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) Call Center (1-800#) is contacted by people who appear to qualify for the DTC, yet either have been denied the Disability Tax...

Nurses Added!

We at BMD Services are happy to announce that Canada Revenue Agency has authorized Nurse Practitioners to certify Disability Tax Credit Certificates.  Under the new Federal Budget, Nurse Practitioners have been included in the list of medical practitioners authorized...

CBC talks to BMD!

CBC News talks to BMD for information about the Disability Tax Credit Tom McFeat, a Senior Writer for CBC News,  researched the Disability Tax Credit for a recently posted article on the CBC website.  Here is an excerpt what he reported... "A Winnipeg-based tax credit...

DTC Explained!

This year marks yet another year the Disability Tax Credit remains a valid annual income tax health benefit available to the Canadian public. This also marks the 8th year BMD Services has been helping people to better understand the DTC. I also wanted to take this...

BMD Recognized Experts!

BMD Recognized Experts!

Thank you to Canada Revenue Agency 1-800# customer assistance line whose operators have recognized the difficulties callers and their treating medical practitioners can experience when trying to understand the Disability Tax Credit (DTC) qualifying criteria,...

Caregiver Amount Information!

Canada Revenue Agency allows tax benefit for those who care for family members. Health restricted Canadians do not have to earn a taxable income for the years they qualify for the Disability Tax Credit (DTC), in order to benefit from it.  If they are provided any...

DTC for Deceased!

If a family member has passed away within any of the last 10 years, and had a health condition that qualifies for the Disability Tax Credit, the estate may receive up to $25,000 in lump sum income tax credit.Currently Canada Revenue Agency allows the Disability Tax...

Helping Canadians With Disabilities Since 2009

Applications Approved

$ Credited

Decisions turned around


Knee/Hip Problems, Osteoarthritis, Poor Circulation, Foot Disorders


Hearing Aids, Need of Hearing Aids, Poor Hearing, Miss Words


IBD, Crohn’s/Colitis, Incontinence, Frequent Bathroom Visits


IBS, Celiac Disease, Cancer, Tumours, Stress, Constipation

Mental Functions

Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, Depression, ADHD, Mental Fatigue, Delayed Learning/Speech, Behavioral Challenges

person cutting vegetables with knife

Food Preperation

Crohns, Colitis, IBS, Celiac Disease, Cancer, Tumours, Stress, Mental Illness, Hypothyroidism, Diabetes, Uremia


COPD, Lung/Breathing Disorders, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Stenosis, Tendonitis, Club Foot, Hip Problems / Replacement

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