Many people and their medical practitioners are not aware that patients with mild restrictions may qualify for the DTC. The DTC qualifying criteria define three different levels of restrictions may each qualify. The first two are defined under the “Markedly Restricted” definition, as patients who are EITHER “unable” to function, or patients who require an “inordinate” amount of time to function can qualify. For example, those who are unable to walk or those who are can walk but walk slowed in walking can qualify. The third is defined under the “Cumulative Effects” definition, patients who are not restricted to the degree defined under Markedly Restricted (at least three times slowed) in any one function, but are instead slowed to a lesser degree in two or more functions, such that the combined or “cumulative” effects of these multiple restrictions is equivalent to a marked restriction (three times slowed being the least degree of markedly restricted). For example, a person who is not three times slowed in walking, or dressing, or food preparation, but is slowed to a lesser degree in each, such that when added together, these restrictions are arguably equivalent to being three times slowed in any one.
By assigning a number to each of these three degrees of restriction, it can help to better understand. Being “unable” can be described as a 100% restriction, or severe. Being “three times” slowed (inordinate amount of time) can be described as a 50% restriction, or moderate. Being restricted to a lesser degree, cumulatively, can be described as an equal percentage portion of each restriction, added together to equal 50%, or 12.5% in the case of four restrictions (4 x 12.5 = 50). This means persons who are 100% restricted in one function can qualify, who are 50% restricted in one function can qualify, or who are 12.5% restricted in four functions can qualify. Thus, the severe, moderate, and mild can be considered for the DTC.
Andrew, a 53 year-old who has sleep apnea, asked us to help determine whether he qualified for the DTC. He described that he had suffered from his condition for over 10 years, and had been formally diagnosed with Sleep Apnea 4 years prior, and prescribed a CPAP device at that time. Before his diagnosis he described that he only slept a few minutes at a time, waking several times per hour, to the degree that he felt he was in a fog during the day, always on the verge of falling asleep, and always severely tired, fatigued, and suffering. After his diagnosis, with the use of his CPAP device his sleep improved, where he slept longer durations, but still suffered from sleep loss, though not as severe. He described that he felt 10% of himself mentally and physically pre-treatment, and about 70% of himself post-treatment. He was better, but not cured. Based on that description we assessed that he qualified for the DTC for the full 10-years based on the “cumulative effects” of his restrictions, pre and post-treatment. He obviously qualified pre-treatment, and although his treatment improved his mental and physical fatigue, he remained restricted each day, though to a lesser degree. Based on the combined restrictive effects, he qualified.
We helped identify that his mobility and mental functions where restricted, his walking, dressing, food preparation, or his mental functions where not “unable”, nor “three times” slowed, but rather somewhat slowed, slowed to a lesser degree, such that when added together, they were equivalent to a moderate restriction (three times slowed) in one function. We explained this to his doctor, and how to complete the DTC application forms to accurately show this, and Andrew’s claim was approved for the full 10-years plus future years. He received $18,234 in a lump sum income tax credit/refund paid by cheque from CRA.
Common medical conditions that can cause 2 or more mild restrictions and qualify for the DTC:
COPD, Lung/Breathing Disorders, Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Stenosis, Tendonitis, Club Foot, Hip Problems, Hip Replacement, Knee Replacement, Foot Injury, Ankle Injury, Knee Injury, Hip Injury, hand/wrist/elbow/shoulder/back injury or disorders, Multiple Sclerosis, Diabetes, Sleep Apnea, Age Related ailments, Asthma (moderate to severe), Cancer, Fibromyalgia, Heart Attack, Stroke, Ataxia, Balance/Inner Ear Restrictions, Dizziness, Vertigo, affective disorders and psychiatric conditions, cardiovascular diseases, infection and metabolic diseases, musculoskeletal disorders, neurologic disorders, sensory abnormalities, medications, and many, many, more.
Be sure to take our Free Instant Online DTC Assessment to determine whether you may qualify, for which number of years, and the benefit amount available for your specific case, for past and future years. Remember it absolutely FREE! CLICK HERE FOR YOUR FREE DTC ASSESSMENT.